Saturday, August 18, 2012

Out of Space....

Hello to all of my blogger friends!  Mommy has some awful news to share....she might have to quit the blog page!!  NO WAY!!  She has managed to use all of her Picasa space (did not even know I had one) in the last two years and can no longer post anymore pictures at this time :( 
She is researching all of her possibilities and will keep you all posted as to what the outcome will be - possibly a new website...  So sad because she has TONS of really awesome pics she wants to post!!  SOON hopefully.  Fingers crossed!!

Bubbles and Bathtime

Noah definitely has Taylor's is what has been called the 'Brett head'

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

Just Me and My Dad

Mommy's two favorite guys hanging outside of the Olive Garden in Asheville

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Beach Day with the Agrillo's

Riding the Sand
Sweet Little Mia
Noah and surfer boy Vincent
Bongo lesson from Mia
We had such a wonderful day with the Agrillo family at Carolina Beach.  They are such a great family and have a beautiful home in CB and made us feel so welcomed.  Thank you!!!  Sorry to sweet Mia that Noah was so tired.....she was such a great sport about it though  She LOVES babies!

Wilmington - Home

"I am at the beach!"
Noah can do the 'big boy' swing now :)
Noah and Jenae
Noah and Mr. Brian
"I love this place already"
Noah getting a lesson from Nyla Mae - So cute!

THANK YOU Durham family for your wonderful hospitality and friendship to the Brett's.  We had such an amazing time staying with you and getting to see you each day! 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pool Time with the Cridlebaugh's and Carter's

Noah liked swimming with the pretty girls...
Lawson and Emily
....and hanging out with them too!
Slushy Fun
Rowan - Future Michael Phelps

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Hampton!!

Playdate with Reece

Look at those eyes!
Noah loves to give kisses
Hope this is the only time we see him in a police car.....
All aboard!
Tea Party