Monday, August 29, 2011

The Park

Big Boy Slide with Dad

Discovering New Things
Too cute!!

"Now how does this thing work...?"
Daddy finding his inner child!
"I love the park!"
Gotta love that smile!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

"Take me out to the ball game!"

Cristella and Briella
Balogh Family (and bad photography! did not mean to cut Briella out..)
Such a Cutie Pie!
"Go Grasshoppers!"
"Wow, my first baseball."
Our table was right behind the Grasshoppers dugout and one of the players gave Noah a game ball.  Needless to say, he was so happy.  He is obessed with balls!
"I can't wait to play ball!'
Practicing his pitching skills

Daddy, Noah, and Grasshoppers Mascot

Noah loved the gigantic baseballs in front of the stadium, just like the ones at Target!

Mommy and Me
We had an awesome time with the Balogh family at the Grasshopper's Game.  I think we only watched about 5 minute's of the game out of the two hours that we were there... but Noah really enjoyed himself!  Briella is such a cutie and Noah can't wait till she can walk and they can run around together.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Meet my "Bun-Bun"

Daddy's Boy
What a pair!
Noah has become VERY attached to a soft and comfy bunny that a family friend, Marnie, bought for him.  He calls him "Bun-Bun" and sleeps with him at all times.  Bun-Bun is also great for sad moods!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

We Love the Nissen's!


Ms. Amy, Noah, and Elmo
Firefighters in Training
Luke and Noah
Max and Noah
Noah LOVES getting dirty!
"I can do this mommy..."
"See, I told ya so!"
Cooling off in the shade.
Best Buds
 No training wheels!! Look at him go!

What a great time we had at City Lake Park today with the Nissen's!  Noah enjoyed watching the big boys play and exploring the park. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Gram and Pap

Chilllin' with Pap Pap
"I'm gonna get you!"
Even stone kitties need love!
"I think it's time to go..."
"Come on guys, I'll drive!"