Monday, March 29, 2010

Great pictures of me in my isolette. Thanks Abi!

"Look how long I am when I stretch!"
"Daddy is going to have to get mommy one of these cool cameras!"

Daddy's first diaper change...

...and it was a poopy! Great job Dad!

Kangaroo Care

"Mommy and I had our first kangaroo care together last night. Boy did I love it! I think she really did too... It was so nice to hear her heartbeat again. Looking forward to hearing daddy's for the first time soon!"

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pooped Out!!

"Yay!! I pooped on my own Thursday night. Big deal! Won't be too long before Mommy and Daddy are NOT cheering about my poops... Your turn Daddy!"

This Little Light of Mine...

"This is my pulse oximeter. It measures the amount of oxygen in my blood. Can you tell Mommy loves my feet?"

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Noah!

You are one week old today!!

Noah's Journal

Noah's Journey ~
Born at 7:04 pm on March 18th weighing in at 2lbs 10oz and 14.5 inches long our perfect little boy was here. He was only on the respirator for a short amount of time and by Friday morning had already graduated to the CPAP and by Saturday he was breathing on his own! Noah began his feedings that day too. Warned that he might not be strong enough to eat yet, mom and dad were cautious not to expect too much. Boy were we wrong! He has been eating everyday since and getting a little more through his tube each day. He is determined to get big enough to come home with us. What a great day the 22nd was! The day started off sad as mom and dad prepared to leave the hospital leaving behind our most precious possession... but got the best news since his birthday... we were going to get to hold him later that night!! We were both so excited it was all we could think and talk about all day. It truly was unforgettable. He looked so peaceful in our arms and we could not take our eyes off of him. We feel so lucky to have such a handsome and sweet little boy. He has already made his Mommy and Daddy such proud parents!