Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Noah!

You are one week old today!!


  1. I am so glad to have the chance to see your beautiful face and the faces of your family! Love you before I even meet you!!!!

    Titi Shannie

  2. Congrats Karen & Taylor! We are so happy for y'all and can't wait to meet Noah! He is absolutely adorable!!
    Courtney, Patrick, Wells & Emerson

  3. We're so glad to hear everything is going so well! Congrats!!! He is precious!
    Susie & Jarrett

  4. You are an absolute little miracle. Noah, I don't know who is luckier, you or your parents! Much love to the three of you.

  5. Oh wow guys! He is beautiful! I know he's going to surprise the doctors (as he already has) and you'll be starting your family home before you know it. You have one eager little beaver on your hands!

  6. Happy B'Day from Clay and Doug Starr

  7. Welcome to the World Noah! I hope you find it to be as much fun as I do. We have been thinking about you and can't wait to meet you. Keep getting strong so we can have a play date!
    Love~Josie Klem
