Noah is doing great. He is 5 weeks old. (33 weeks gestation) It is hard to believe that he would still have been cooking for another 7 weeks in my belly... He continues to grow everyday! (3lbs. 8ozs.) He is a super eater and is now on cue based feedings. That means he tells the nurses when he wants to eat and how much. He no longer needs his feeding tube and can now show off his beautiful face! He is still bottle feeding mom's milk, but will hopefully get the hang of breastfeeding when he leaves the NICU. We have been practicing what they call "lick and learn." What a name... We are so proud of our chunky monkey!
"Look how big I am getting."
"Who do you think I look like?
"Yay, no feeding tube!"
"Eating makes me sleepy."
"Good night."
OMG, one of those pics looks like a mini Taylor!! So proud of Noah and so proud of his wonderful parents!!