Friday, May 14, 2010

"I'm Home!!"

"Yay, I'm coming home!"

Picturing how great life is going to be...

For the occasion

"Don't I look cute in my carseat?"

Pure contentment


  1. I am so glad you finally got to bring that perfect baby home. CONGRATULATIONS..............I LOVE YOU.....
    I finally figured out how to comment. Karen M.

  2. Welcome home! Congratulations to all three of you. What fantastic news. He'll be running and climbing before you know it!

  3. He looks absolutely perfect and content at home. We've been thinking about you guys constantly. ENJOY your time together!!

  4. I am so glad you are finally home sweet pea. You look so handsome in your monkey suit. I'm glad you didn't outgrow it before your big departure home. Not that you don't need to keep eating and getting bigger. You are looking so great. I love your picture your mommy sent me. I just keep staring at it on my fridge. I can't wait to come and see you. Will definitely be soon. Love you lots.

  5. I am so happy he is finally home where he belongs! Hope you survived the first couple days. Cherish every one of them! :)
